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The cyber-bullying is causing harm in our society and has a great influence on one's self-esteem. Experiences have ranged from posting comments or rumors about someone online that are mean, hurtful, or embarrassing, with the aim of degrading the person – whether true or untrue – is unwarranted and ill-meant. The aim of violence and abuse is to create a hostile online environment for women with the goal of shaming, intimidating, degrading, belittling or silencing women. It is a Human right of a woman to live a life free from gender-based violence, including the rights to freedom of expression, participation and parliamentarian representations.

Violent and abusive tweets & Facebook messages from strangers to them is just a tactic by current or former intimate/domestic partners of women to control the women and instill fear. The problem with technology and social media is that it empowers bullies. Internet bullies were more likely than traditional bullies to be female, possibly because young women feel less inhibited and more assertive online.


The underlying cause of violence inflicted through technology lies in the “social and structural context of gender hierarchism of the dominant position of men over women, and the desire for control and coercion. The normalization of male violence and restrictive expectations about women and girls are some of the key drivers of violence and bullying generally.

When a woman is bullied, even a prominent woman, it seems to be entertaining, and in some cases, entertaining to both men and women. This is very disturbing. Bullying is bullying, whether the victim is male or female. Interestingly, when a male person is bullied online, guns come out blazing, condemning the bullying. We need to be taking an intersectional approach to address the issue recognizing diverse experiences.


 The dynamics of cyber bullying for diverse groups will be underpinned not only by gender, but also race, sexuality, and disability. We have young and old alike who are getting affected socially, economically and mentally due to the persistent attack of the trolls, and most of it is actually paid for. If we were to liken this to actual physical attack by hired goons, we would understand its gravity. It’s extremely important to bring in a sense of discipline legally and hold people accountable in the virtual space.

The impacts of this behavior are gendered as it is rooted in outdated stereotypes about gender roles which unfairly judges women.  Despite our claim to democratization and modernization, some of our men behave worse than animals. Women are systematically attacked, denigrated and humiliated in public as the nation watches gleefully. These are the Male Misfits in our society.


Would you harass, molest, threaten or humiliate up your mothers, sisters and daughters... Then why are you courageous enough to humiliate other females? 

What gives you the right to assault other people’s mothers, sisters and daughters?

Why is it OK for most men to humiliate women on social media? we still have these pervert with impunity. They've appointed themselves members of a new puritanical order.  Never allow these hypocrites, disrespecting, arrogant, patriarchal bigots, pretenders to damage the lives of our young women.


I hold a strong opinion that civilized people of this century should not enjoy such and should shame any perpetrator. In fact a person who derives pleasure from degrading another human being in this manner may not be sane and requires psycho-social treatment.  We need to move away from approaches to educating young people about online conduct that perpetuate gender inequalities and norms which blame young women for their victimization. There is also a need to address the experiences of diverse groups in relation to these issues unpacking the intersectionality of their identities and experiences. These efforts need to be made alongside achieving gender equality, combating homophobia and racism; and promoting respectful relationships.

Proposal suggested by the Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) to amend the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, (IRWA) 1986, is appreciable, but the rules established should be strictly implemented. Only if the procedures become easy, would women approach the police. Hope the revision in IRWA would bring clarity to police, social media users and women.



The first thing that needs to be looked at when considering cyber bullies is legislation. There has to be a law that deems this behavior unacceptable and that can protect people and especially women who are the victims of this trend. To address cyber-bullying, we must start with addressing the general beliefs and attitudes towards women in general terms. Then we will begin to see positive trends online.


“Hypocrites are forever swine of human civilization”


Take a stand. Use your voice. Be proud of who you are. Be an example. Be an agent of change. Empower. Embrace. Be kind. The fear of blocking harassers leads to censorship anyway--self-censorship. People fearful of harassment are less likely to participate on social media, meaning that that harassers are given more of a voice than the people they harass--which is exactly what they want. We must make harassers irrelevant--free speech and expression does not include harassment and fear mongering.


We need independent bodies to patrol social media sites, and come up with better algorithms to find harassment when it occurs. Of course the main goal is to prevent harassment from happening in the first place, and this must occur in the real world as well--teaching adults and children alike what is and is not ok to do or say and this needs to part of a bigger cultural lesson regarding respect of persons, including respect of women/minorities 

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