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  • Writer's pictureJaweria Afreen Hussaini


Updated: May 31, 2020

The education system in India focuses more on theoretical knowledge whereas the practical knowledge is necessary for any job. In India, only the grades are considered as the measure of intelligence rather than the skills.

The graduation certificate is not enough. Youth need the direction or a mentor for the future of our country. The issue of unemployment is a major concern for industry and also for the country. It not only affects the individual but also affects the growth of the country. We need Skills.

The economic and social growth of any country can be defined by the life of the citizen of that country. A progressed country has command over the problems which are bothering the masses and unemployment is one of such problems.

Youths are the backbone of the nation; they are the main pillar of our growing society, hence they need to be nurtured.

We cannot always build the future for our youth but we can build our youth for the future. The huge population of 1.25 billion people in India is one of the major problems that are causing unemployment in India. There are very few job opportunities available which are not sufficient for the huge demand for employment.

In recent years, India is witnessing the failing economy, rising unemployment, atrocities against minorities. India is seeing a record low unemployment, healthcare system, and sustainable development crisis. But we are unaware of present and future consequences.

Just to say it's an age old practice cannot solve the problem. Youths need to Question the system, be adamant in getting your answers. It's about the personal lives getting affected.

In an age where the world is talking about future robots, life in Mars and scientific growth.. INDIAN youths are struggling with employment. Common man is striving for a better life and women are struggling for the protection and security from the system.

If we seem to be taken for granted then why are these elecions held...just to bribe the poor for gaining power and destroying lives of people.

The economists have recently raised concerns over not enough jobs being created, the government has rejected the worrying employment scenario, saying that there is a lack of comprehensive data on job creation. This is not a chaos, we need to be Educated right about the current scenario.

When petrol prices are high, we think it's the problem for those who have vehicles. But in reality petrol prices gradually and slowly affects by entering our daily household. Then we realize oh! the prices have been increased.

The World Bank has however put forth a comprehensive report on India's economy, it said that India needs to create a lot of salaried jobs (formal jobs) to meet the working population demands of this country and step up its growth. The unemployment rates have doubled; But the jobs have declined.


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