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  • Writer's pictureJaweria Afreen Hussaini

INSIDER - "The Teacher"

A Teacher is an "INSIDER" to each student.

To create a connection, a student expects:

Does my teacher. . .

•Know what I'm afraid of?

•Know what I'm proud of?

•Know what I'm anxious to talk about?

•Recognize my interests, dreams and disappointments?

•Openly share who he or she is?

•Know me?

Since most of the students build walls to protect themselves from disappointment or worse, it takes time, effort, and patience to become an insider.

Make it a daily priority to:

•Greet tough kids in a friendly way: "Good to see you."

•Get to know how they are outside of class: "What do you like to do when you aren't in school?"

•Learn about their hopes: "If you could spend more time with someone, who would it be?"

•Learn about their dreams: "When I was a kid, I remember wanting to be a doctor. What about you?"

•Share your own story of successes and failures.

Initiating this kind of dialogue with a youngster who breaks rules requires that we share how the behavior is problematic for us, others, or the student.

It's an opportunity to let him see you as someone who sets limits, yet can also share the personal experience of remembering when adults set limits for you. By doing this, you encourage input from and possible negotiation with the student, leading to agreement.

What are your thoughts about travelling a road to change that runs through connections rather than consequences?

Now for the teachers and the parents dealing with the kids;

What strategies have you found helpful?


Let's inspire

Let's encourage

Let's teach

Let’s Make A Difference!!!

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