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  • Writer's pictureJaweria Afreen Hussaini


Leaders who fail to provide true and proper command, inspiration and strategic vision for their company leave a battered organization. The social fabric of Unity in Diversity has been damaged by a failure to lead. The leaders reach is more like a grasp, hanging on to whatever they can to redeem today that which should have been accomplished yesterday. They are in the nick of time leaders who are living in the last minute, unprepared, and unimaginative now. These leaders are focusing on fun of the job, not on function of the job. They are disconnected to innovative staff and Connected to positional staff. Today’s leaders are creating a culture of frustration and fear.

There is something very wrong with the people running the country, who set a model of the social order that’s more open but still deeply unequal. The result is a disciple of socially distant and self-dealing headstrong.

It isn’t just the pervasive political dysfunction. It’s something deeper and more existentially disruptive that resulted in total failure of pillar institutions of our society. There is a collapse of trust in institutions. The financial crisis and the economic depression it has precipitated are just the most recent instances of the failure. The cumulative effect of these failures is a national mood of exhaustion, frustration, and betrayal. The overwhelming story of the private sector has been perverse incentives, blinkered group-think, deception, fraud, opacity, and disaster.

The emotional disquiet ensuing from these disasters playing out in different registers on the right and the left, but across the ideological divide there is a deep sense of alienation, anger, and betrayal directed at the elites who run the country. We do not trust them because they have shown themselves to be untrustworthy.

We have accepted that there will be some class of people that will make the decisions for us; we need to understand why our leaders are out of sync with our needs.

Decades of accelerating inequality has produced a deformed social order and a set of leaders who cannot help but be dysfunctional and corrupt… Our fundamental, shared beliefs about how society should operate are deeply unyielding.

The country is unable to afford to maintain its infrastructure, educate its children, employ its youth, provide health care for its people or care for its women and elderly citizens.

There are no longer any secrets. People demand solutions now, not the stumbling delays of unresponsive functionaries.

To find our way out of the present crisis; we will need more…political understanding and involvement. To achieve true transformation, you have to change the goals, structures, processes, systems and values, in effect the whole way the country runs.

It’s high time for us to become our own voice. What is needed now is leadership that focuses on the opportunities and address public issues. If we don’t then we will perish. There are urgent issues that need our attention right now. We believe the Hype our leaders are showing us. This is just distracting the masses.

There are people who pretend to be the well-wisher of the minority community and affiliated to the “secular” political parties; but won’t take a minute to jump with joy upon seeing a mass murderer and Narcissist being cheered by an orchestrated crowd.

They would cry and shout upon seeing a person getting lynched on the streets but they are OK with a riot monger being celebrated at the cost of tax payers’ money.

I wonder what happens to their conscience that they switch so easily.

They are the same people who would condemn terror accused and might cast a vote in their favor. The reason is they have to be a messiah for the minorities and hail the mass murderer simultaneously. But if anyone tries to voice the concerns of his/her community, they are labeled with names and abuses.

It’s about time for us to recognize what is going wrong within us.

The cause is bigger than all our ego's and we need to settle down on terms that brings us together. We need unity at any cost and not our ego's. We are falling prey to Political vendetta and losing our basic concerns. We need a clear understanding of the nature of the journey that we are negotiating and intelligent action to get through the transition as quickly and painlessly as possible.

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