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  • Writer's pictureJaweria Afreen Hussaini

My Belief is Stronger than your doubt!!

It is important that you accept the reality that the only thing over which we have complete control over at all times is our mental attitude. We have the right to control our attitude, and to the degree that we are able to will ultimately determine our ability to get what we want.

*Always give more than what’s expected!!

It is impossible for one to do more than what he is meant for doing to the fact that in the act of doing that which is constructive one attains power that can be converted into whatever one desires.

"Do the thing and you shall have the power"

It is impossible for one to do more than one is meant for

because your pay will consist of the self-discipline and self-development one obtains through the rendering of service, as well as in the material effects of the service, in the form of economic compensation.

You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all the time.

Regardless of how cleverly you package yourself, others will eventually see through your deception and recognize you for what you really are. As a general rule, people will accept you for what you say you are until you prove yourself to be otherwise.

Don’t take advantage of the goodwill of others. Make friends, not enemies. If you have more enemies than friends, the odds are a thousand to one you have earned them.

*If you don’t know what you want from life, what do you think you will get???

The great majority of people in the world drift through life, never realizing that their future will be the one they create for themselves. The minority who achieve great success are people who know what they want and have a plan for realizing their objectives. They know what they want and how they are going to get it.

Your goals should be specific, they should be measurable, they should have a deadline for their achievement, and they should be divided into manageable pieces. Know exactly what you plan to achieve, when you plan to achieve it, and how. Review your progress regularly, correct your course when necessary, and never, ever give up.

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