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  • Writer's pictureJaweria Afreen Hussaini


Even the smallest infant has to be looked at, handled and talked to as a thinking, feeling, participating human being, and never discussed in the public about their bad behavior. Many awful things have been done in the name of love, But nothing awful can be done in the name of respect. Do things With, not to or for, a child. Allow the children to experience conflict and work it out for themselves; let the children experience pain or sorrow, and let them choose when and if they want to come to you for comfort. Be clear. Be honest. Doubtful, indecisive and strict attitude parent produces a nagging child. Children need to know the rules. Discipline is an integral part of a rooted, secure feeling. A child who is never told “no” is a neglected child. It’s a misconception that children must be happy all the time. That is not the way life is. If children discover that too late, they will find life difficult and frightening...

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