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  • Writer's pictureJaweria Afreen Hussaini

Let go and BE YOU -That's the Beauty

The richest beauty is to be found in our aliveness. It is not frozen in time; it's out in the world, healing and inspiring others with its vibrant life energy. Try to make memories because they are little for only so long. No ones gonna say “her house was spotless clean” or "she was a Divine beauty" or "she was so rich that she paid her bills" at your funeral. So do those little things together. Enjoy in the pouring rain without any worries. Sit outside on a cold winter night to gaze at the stars. Enjoy the sunrise and forgive others before the sunsets...

It's the little things that makes great memories. Be sister to one another. Sisters never look down upon another woman... work together... stand together and hold each other's hand in time of need. A sister today is a sister forever... Help people whenever you can. Give with a smile. big charity organisations can never replace the beauty of humans reaching out.

Reach out with kindness and friendliness. We are not made to walk this earth alone.And always do it for the sake of Almighty

🌸🍃 ***Are you ready to let go?***

Are you ready to make space for the new and powerful you to emerge and shine her light? Are you ready to give yourself the time and nurture you need? Are you ready to let go of busy-ness? Are you ready to let go of overwhelm? Are you ready to let go of making it hard? Let go of all the negative thoughts and feelings? Let go of poisonous people? Let go of people-pleasing? Let go of the excuses you tell yourself? Let go of your victim story of ‘poor me’? Whatever that might look like.... Poor me I have so many people to take care of. Poor me I’m divorced. Poor me I don’t have any money. Poor me I have to work so hard. Poor me I have such a horrible job. Poor me...whatever...

Are you ready to let it go?

Let go of all that is not serving you in becoming the best version of yourself on your path to Almighty. You are on a journey, a special journey towards pleasing your lord. Hold on to the guidance of Almighty in your actions and keep faith in Almighty in your heart, the Wrong will not be able to touch you. Where we put our attention determines the direction in which we're moving. Do you have your sights fixed on something greater than your present?

So be brave, let go of; the negativity, the whispers, what she said, what he did, what so and so might think, I'm not good enough, she's better, anger, jealousy etc. Etc.

Let it all go. March forwards on your journey to your BEST SELF and make space for the new you because as long as you hold on to ‘the old’ there will be no space for the new you to come into existence. Let go and BE YOU - Do it today. Do it now.

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