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  • Writer's pictureJaweria Afreen Hussaini

Being MOMMA- my corner!

The meaning of being a mother is virtually endless. A mother works hard to make sure their child is equipped with the knowledge, skills and abilities to make it as a competent human being. Being a mother is perhaps the hardest, most rewarding job a woman will ever experience. Providing your child with a safe and secure environment protects them from abuse and harm as well as helps boost their child's mental and emotional development.

Provide a safe, healthy environment for children by reducing risks and stress as well as keeping an eye out on children. Being a mother means being there to teach your child important rules and roles of life, from being an empathetic human being to learning how to be responsible of one's actions.

As your child grows up, they are going to face an onslaught of differing thoughts, opinions and values from their friends, the movies, Internet, television and magazines. A mother will help guide their child to figure out their goals and values in life as well as teach them the importance of an education, manners and more. A mother will also discipline their child, a skill that will benefit children throughout their life as well as at school, work and life at home.

****..… As a Mother, I feel this deeply. Well, you need healthy adults and a healthy society to build strong children....wish it could happen!

If you ever think yourself a failure, you need to stop pointing a finger at the world and look at the four fingers pointing back at you. Failure is a personal choice. No one in the world can dictate to you your value, your worth, your dignity, your future, unless you hand it over to them to do so.

Be the master of your fate, the captain of your soul, and prove the world wrong everyday of your life. Because the only ones worth proving anything to is yourself and God, and One of those two already knows your value, your worth, your dignity and your future.

The other one need only to let go, live with abandon, shoot for the stars and hope to land on the moon. Failure? What's failure?- lt only exists if you allow yourself to be enslaved to it. Winning only happens the day we unshackle ourselves from a victim mentality and step forward, never looking back.


Change The Story- EDUCATE- Raise an Inspiring Generation!!!

Raising KIDS- is a Responsible Job. It can be frightening because as parents we want to protect our children but the reality is there is only so much we can do. Every child that is born into this world, God already has a plan for that child. Make them interested in learning how education can change the society.

No matter where you're from or what gender you are, it's always possible to make a difference!

Educated Women are more likely to Voice Against Violence! Help women Change The Story and Voice Against Violence by educating them. This is the need of the Hour...

Teach your children-

When you are silent in the face of injustice, you lend it your approval. Is silence not an act of violence too?

Say goodbye to what didn't work out. Take a leap of faith. Write a different story.

By staying silent we become part of the abuse! Let's raise our children to Voice against Violence. Let's Aim to achieve behavioral, social and economic transformation towards an India where all children have equal opportunities to access quality education.

Raise your kids to believe in themselves and recognize their self-worth. Our right perspectives will surely make a difference.

Mother’s love shapes cultures and individuals. We can begin that journey by simply being willing to search our heart and better understand ourselves. The emotional foundation we give our children at home is foundational to their life. The essence of motherhood is all about influence. You and I have an incredible opportunity to influence the next generation by what we do as a mother every day.

Strong mothers don’t teach you what the society teaches you. They teach you to be yourself and go for what you want.

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