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  • Writer's pictureJaweria Afreen Hussaini

don't just exist; be alive

One of the biggest challenges to overcome when talking about women's issues is actually getting people talking.

You cannot just exist in this world. You got to start living your life.

Women, no matter how old are you, what language you speak, what nation are you from, how much and what kind of education you have/and whether formally or informally, how many materials you have, how "rich or poor" you are, how much discriminated you have been and many many more, how much children you have from zero to any, just remember that you are born for a very good reason my dear! You are born for the world!

When we empower women economically, they come to view themselves not just as business owners, but as leaders, As they start making their voices heard and taking their rightful place in their societies, that has a ripple effect, particularly on our young people — both our daughters and our sons — who receive an unambiguous message that women are not property, they are not second-class citizens, but instead they are breadwinners. They’re change agents. They’re people whose voices and contributions matter.

Woman is an incarnation of COURAGE, the goddess of power.

It is something women from all over the world should be proud of and take as a self-inspiration.

Fearlessness is the fire that will ensure you get where you actually deserves to reach. These courageous women look fear in the eye and take on the day without worrying about failure or what others think of them.

We as women are masters in the entrepreneurial sector, to set examples for the next generation and motivate them to do good for all the generations to come.

We must believe women empowerment is vital to our development. Success is guaranteed for women who take risks.

Women need to make sure to continually shape their situation in life in ways which make it genuinely enjoyable to live. Living requires experiencing, courage, fearless women embrace new courses, trips, and people whenever they have the opportunities (instead of shying away from these things).

I realized that there were gifts within me that were bigger than FEAR but first I had to get FREE! It’s not too late to be in attendance. It’s not enough to just be should desire to be FREE AND FEARLESS! Never allow people to violate your body, space, dignity, or beliefs.

It is no wonder when you take matters of well-being and prosperity of mankind into consideration, you can always count on women to have the best and transparent plans or solutions.

I encourage all women to take risks and not worry about what the rest of the world will think. Put your knowledge to the best use possible by focusing on how we can change and improve our lives in the present to better ourselves now and in the future.

“We can’t be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea.”

I can never let challenges that come with being a woman in the traditionally male-dominated society stop me.

We pretty much face gender discrimination everywhere. Every woman definitely experiences it at one time or another… We repeatedly face hardships but the key is keep going.

We demand Equality.This is where the degradation of women entering industries dominated by males comes from. Our skills, knowledge, and strengths are questioned because they are unconventional. Given the chance to prove otherwise, we are actually able to perform just as well, sometimes better.

We don't need Equality' Instead we need EQUITY. Our survival depends on the cooperation of all.

If there is one common attribute that women must follow is - "COURAGE".

There are many things that women can contribute for the betterment of the world.

Don’t get tangled up in the same old standards. Your perseverance and resulting excellence can change anything.

"Life doesn't happen to you; it happens for you." Don't let fear dictate your life.

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